Saturday, June 23, 2018

Our tractor comes home

Several years ago, my Uncle Henry gave us a tractor for the ranch. Since we weren't living here yet, we didn't want to leave it out here unattended, so good friends loaned us a corner of their horse corral.

Yesterday, the tractor came home!

With a little coaching from Sam, I took it for a spin. Okay, a lot of coaching. He basically had to tell me every single step to take to get it running.

Driving it was a little emotional for me because at haying time every year, it was my Aunt Lela's job to run the tractor. And she passed away two years ago.

After being out in the weather for years, it was pretty dirty, so Sam got out the pressure washer.

Much better. It's a 1967 Massey Ferguson 135, made the same year Sam was born.

There's a few things Sam wants to fix, but we're mighty happy and blessed to have such a good workhorse on the ranch.

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