Wednesday, September 12, 2018

This and that

Last weekend we started to feel part of our neighborhood. We went to a nearby yard sale and found some deals. And our local food joint, Mescal Bar and Grill, celebrated the first anniversary of their new ownership with a luau.

It turned out to be a fun time and we met some new people. A local band provided the music.

They roasted a whole pig and made incredible sandwiches. A great improvement over our first and only visit a number of years ago. Sam enjoyed an "adult beverage" (as Pastor John calls it)! Okay, I did, too.

It was hot, so I wore shorts, but Sam pointed out that I neglected to follow an important trend in local footwear! I'm not sure I still own cowboy boots, but I may have to rectify that, since we call this a ranch!

Speaking of the PPR, I also rearranged the shed by our house and we're now able to walk in and reach all the shelves!

This was made possible by rearranging the well house so our bicycles now have an easily accessible space there. Progress is often slow in life, but it does happen.

I'll leave you with an update on our zinnias. Two plants and 3 blooms! Talk about progress!

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