Monday, September 17, 2018

More critters

For weeks we've had these yellow butterflies flitting around, cheering up our days. One day three of them did an intricate dance right in front of me, but of course I didn't have my camera!

I've seen a few black and orange/black butterflies also, but the pale yellow ones are most prevalent. They sure were attracted to our zinnias today!

We also have "walking sticks" and praying mantis, like this one. Can you see the bug between his front feet? His head is turned to the right to look at Sam, who was disturbing his meal. We love any critter that eats bugs!

Here's another one that eats bugs. It's a Green Lynx spider that Sam spotted on our barrel cactus. Look in his jaws and you can see the cricket he caught as Sam was taking the picture!

Out on our dirt road, Sam has spotted many different creatures. This gopher snake was right at the entrance to our driveway and was well over 4 feet long.

Tarantulas look scary, but are gentle and harmless, and Sam always stops to say hello.

We call these Colorado river toads, but should probably use their other name, Sonoran desert toads, since we're smack in the middle of the Sonoran Desert. This guy was as big as Sam's hand, about 5 inches long.

This was a tiny but colorful caterpillar on the driveway one day.

But the star of the show is this little guy. Our friend Mike found him near his home off Sonoita Highway, west of us. Can you believe those beautiful colors?

Here's the star of the PPR. (You can't see him, so turn up your sound.) These little brown birds have been our constant companions all summer. They start their beautiful song before dawn and I hear them all through the day. I spent several hours researching and I think they're a type of sparrow. Do any of you birding friends know? Thanks to Sam for capturing this and many of the photos!

Have a great week. I hope you all enjoy the beauty God created around you!

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