Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Fun weekend together

We were fairly busy last weekend (and will be this weekend, too). As the weather cools down a bit in Southern Arizona, it's prime time for community events, fairs and other outdoor activities.

Our first stop was bird watching at Holy Trinity Monastery in St. David (5 miles south of Benson). And the first birds we spotted were these spectacular peacocks!

Sam was patient and got some good photos. We were told the monastery is no longer active and most of the monks went back to Rome, but this was the second time we had been there in as many years and it's a beautiful place.

Tucson Audobon Society hosted the event and the actual bird walk was an hour or so along the San Pedro River on a shady path under big mesquite and cottonwood trees. We didn't get any close-up photos of the native birds, but enjoyed the walk and met a few new people. This tree trunk is the biggest we've ever seen in Arizona!

Our next stop was Benson Pony Express Western Days, in a park we've never been to. We're learning things about our new hometown! There was a car show (although we've never seen horses at any Tucson car show, and we've been to a lot!).

The tractor pulls were really cool.

And Sam loved the antique engine displays. He tells me this is a "hit and miss" engine that only fires when its speed falls too low. It was made in the early 1900's to refill a cattle water tank when the wind wasn't turning the windmill. It had only enough fuel to fill the tank, and when the fuel ran out, it would quit. The cowboys could go on with their work and didn't have to even be there!

Sam was ready to buy me this little contraption from 1929. It's a working washing machine!

Sam also operated an old rope making machine and we got to take the rope home.

We didn't try the wagon ride, but saw a bit of the pony express ride to Dragoon Post Office, 21 miles away.

Later on at home, we did some organizing in the shed by the house, which we've wanted to get done for several months.

Sam installed a work light over the work bench.

All in all, a good weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Bonus day!

I had some extra time in Tucson the other day, so I took my Mom out for lunch. I thought she would enjoy one of our favorite restaurants, Zemam's. Ethiopian! Great food; as a matter of fact, they were on an episode of Food Network's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives last spring.

My Mom kept saying it was strange because they don't use silverware, but she liked it.

On the way home, Sam and I made a new friend. She has a Double X brand on her shoulder, which is the ranch that surrounds our neighborhood. Sam says she's also a Dale Earnhardt fan because she also has a number 3.

Yesterday dawned cool and cloudy, so I got outdoors and cleared out more grasses and weeds in our yard. I worked several hours in 72 degree temps . . . perfect! Eventually, I got rained out. Matter of fact, it rained so hard that Sam and several other vehicles were stuck on the other side of a small wash on our dirt road! With Sam's coaching on the phone, I drove our new ranch truck over there and  through the running water, which was about 2 feet deep and 30 feet wide. And rescued Sam! We parked his little Honda at a friend's, then took a neighbor back across with us, because her car wouldn't have made it, and we didn't get home till 8:30. What an adventure!

It's been awhile since I've posted photos of the cats, so I'll close with a few.

Dingus Magee doesn't often get in the mood, but this morning he decided to play with his favorite toy.

It's the orange ring off a Gatorade bottle.

He can toss it and pick it up in his mouth or paws.

Such fun!

Meanwhile, Frankie just needs more sleep. It's a tough life.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Monday, September 17, 2018

More critters

For weeks we've had these yellow butterflies flitting around, cheering up our days. One day three of them did an intricate dance right in front of me, but of course I didn't have my camera!

I've seen a few black and orange/black butterflies also, but the pale yellow ones are most prevalent. They sure were attracted to our zinnias today!

We also have "walking sticks" and praying mantis, like this one. Can you see the bug between his front feet? His head is turned to the right to look at Sam, who was disturbing his meal. We love any critter that eats bugs!

Here's another one that eats bugs. It's a Green Lynx spider that Sam spotted on our barrel cactus. Look in his jaws and you can see the cricket he caught as Sam was taking the picture!

Out on our dirt road, Sam has spotted many different creatures. This gopher snake was right at the entrance to our driveway and was well over 4 feet long.

Tarantulas look scary, but are gentle and harmless, and Sam always stops to say hello.

We call these Colorado river toads, but should probably use their other name, Sonoran desert toads, since we're smack in the middle of the Sonoran Desert. This guy was as big as Sam's hand, about 5 inches long.

This was a tiny but colorful caterpillar on the driveway one day.

But the star of the show is this little guy. Our friend Mike found him near his home off Sonoita Highway, west of us. Can you believe those beautiful colors?

Here's the star of the PPR. (You can't see him, so turn up your sound.) These little brown birds have been our constant companions all summer. They start their beautiful song before dawn and I hear them all through the day. I spent several hours researching and I think they're a type of sparrow. Do any of you birding friends know? Thanks to Sam for capturing this and many of the photos!

Have a great week. I hope you all enjoy the beauty God created around you!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Weekend projects

I went on an outing yesterday in the ranch truck!

As Sam left for work, he asked if I wanted to help him out on the truck. He needed to drain the coolant in the radiator and showed me the knob to open and where the fluid comes out. I assembled my supplies and tools.

Had to crawl under and get dirty, but in an hour or so, we had a couple gallons of old dirty coolant in the bucket. Then I refilled the radiator with fresh water and drove down to the Quick Pic store for a treat! I don't often understand how Sam fixes vehicles, but it felt good to be able to handle something simple like this.

Our Saturday morning began with iced coffee (Sam) and honey-lemon tea (me) at our patio table about sunrise, and the cool air motivated us to start clearing the weeds and grasses from the edges of the yard.

Sam used the hula hoe and mattock (look it up; I had to!) to take out the pesky plants that grew crazy with the rains. He also trimmed dead branches off the mesquite tree.

I raked everything into piles and carted it away to our chipper and compost pile.

And here's the "after" photo. We should be done with the whole yard by Christmas!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

This and that

Last weekend we started to feel part of our neighborhood. We went to a nearby yard sale and found some deals. And our local food joint, Mescal Bar and Grill, celebrated the first anniversary of their new ownership with a luau.

It turned out to be a fun time and we met some new people. A local band provided the music.

They roasted a whole pig and made incredible sandwiches. A great improvement over our first and only visit a number of years ago. Sam enjoyed an "adult beverage" (as Pastor John calls it)! Okay, I did, too.

It was hot, so I wore shorts, but Sam pointed out that I neglected to follow an important trend in local footwear! I'm not sure I still own cowboy boots, but I may have to rectify that, since we call this a ranch!

Speaking of the PPR, I also rearranged the shed by our house and we're now able to walk in and reach all the shelves!

This was made possible by rearranging the well house so our bicycles now have an easily accessible space there. Progress is often slow in life, but it does happen.

I'll leave you with an update on our zinnias. Two plants and 3 blooms! Talk about progress!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Seems like Wednesday

But it's almost Friday! A short work week is always a nice letdown from the holiday weekend.

I didn't do my exercises and walk on Monday because we were doing projects and who wants their regular routine on a holiday! Then on Wednesday, I didn't go because we had gotten to bed late the night before and had to leave the house at 6:15.

So today I exercised and walked, and it felt good. We still have a lot of flowers all over the ranch. Daisies, poppies, and many more, but today the breeze was drier so the rains might be on their way out.

I saw a lot of deer tracks again today. They're crossing the road at the property next door, which is owned by someone from Phoenix whom we have never met. It's 8 acres of open desert, which must appeal to wild animals.

We bought a TV antenna the other day. For 3 months all we've had is internet and of course we survived just fine. The antenna worked in a temporary location at the front of the house, so Sam mounted it on an existing post at the back.

And now it doesn't work. So Sam's projects this weekend will probably include this. Life can be frustrating sometimes!

On the positive side, we bought a ranch truck! I drove it for the first time this morning. It definitely drives like a truck, but was easy to shift and steer, and will be great on our dirt roads.

We are blessed! Have a great weekend, everyone.