Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Busy weekend

Sam is wondering if he'll have to do this selfie. My hand is almost too small to hold the phone and shoot! We bought a couple seed packets for our fall garden, yet to be started.

Last weekend we spent a lot of time in Ace Hardware and Lowe's. Sam had several projects helping friends with home repairs. He's so good at fixing things, from electrical to toilets to drywall.

Meanwhile, I tried to find things of interest to pass the time.

Such as crazy colors and patterns on duck tape (which used to be called duct tape). Amazing!

The days seemed to fly by so fast. We love the drive to and from the ranch, but it does add almost two hours to each day.

Back at the PPR, I'm loving all the green growth from the rains.

In a month, I'm going to take photos from these exact locations and show you the difference!

Have a great week, everyone!

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