Thursday, August 22, 2019

Local art

We live several miles from the town of Benson and 40 miles from Tucson, so public art is something we don't see every day. (Benson has beautiful outdoor murals on many buildings; I should show you someday! I'll get permission from the local artist first.)

A few weeks ago, as we were stopped at the railroad crossing, I noticed the artwork on some of the railcars. These people put a lot of work into it.

A few spell out recognizable words.

Some have cute characters.

Others are quite intricate.

This one's from 2016, so evidently they last awhile.

My favorites are the colorful ones, but I  have no idea what they're  trying to say. (Do I want to know?!) It's like these artists have their own language.

I'm sure this is a response they hear a lot.

But much of it is really amazing!

Closer to home, Mom Vae and I enjoy the geraniums she planted in a pot on her porch. They're shaded until late afternoon, which seems to be the right mix in this hot climate.

And Sam had a visit from our neighbor, the roadrunner! He's surveying for lizards and bugs from the hitch on the front of our 5th wheel trailer, and he's much more welcome than the rattlesnake I saw this morning.

I hope your week has been a good one.

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