Thursday, August 1, 2019

A little down

It's been kind of a rough week. I haven't felt like doing ANYthing. Ever had one of those? And I started exercising again, so I should have more energy, not less!

The rains brought out the beautiful blossoms on our Texas Ranger bush (see previous photo), so that was a plus. I made a trip to Sells, on the Tohono O'odham reservation, to do a side job, and ran into this storm.

I also got a glimpse of the big telescope on Kitt Peak.

Wow, Wikipedia says that Kitt Peak has the largest gathering of telescopes in the northern hemisphere, with over 22 of them up there.

Our Cassin's sparrows have come back in force with the rains.

Here's what they sound like, on repeat every 10 seconds. We love it.

A definite bright spot was our monthly dinner out with the group. We have adopted the moniker ALATIG, which stands for "As long as there's gelato."

The Polynesian restaurant, Kon Tiki, brought out a little craziness in Paul (not hard to do), who wore a grass skirt and coconut bra. The rest of us sported leis courtesy of Peggy. Well, actually, I also wore a grass skirt, which I found on a spontaneous visit to the dollar store the day before.

In other news, Sam also has a side job for a few weeks, buffing a vintage offroad Hummer purported to be the very first Hummer made for non-military use.

And today, one of the elementary school kids on Sam's bus gave him these gifts, handmade from Legos. Inside the colorful box is a note, "Thank you for being my bus driver." It brought tears to our eyes.

As always, talking to all of you makes me feel better. Thanks for listening!


Unknown said...

Hi, Jan. The notifications for your last couple of blogs just happened to catch my eye when they come in. It's been good reading them and getting up to speed with you two a little. I'm in the same boat with not wanting to do much this week, and I'm blaming it all on the heat. Thank goodness the monsoons have finally come to help cool things down in the afternoons. Looking forward to seeing more of your blogs... Big {{{HUGS}}}!!! Cheryl.

Drpenfection said...

Hi Jan and Sam! Hope all is going well for you! Love your posts! May the Lord continue to bless you both! Jon and Deborah