Friday, August 16, 2019

Arizona summer returns

Mom Vae and I took a walk yesterday morning. It seems our monsoon rains have gone away for now and so has the humidity.

We found a century plant that we didn't know was growing on the ranch. Their stalks are very different from the yucca.

We never just walk; we also stop and take in the views and the quiet. And Mom talks. About everything.

Speaking of yucca, these looked nice against a blue sky.

But on a sunny day, the temperatures climb pretty quickly. It's always nice to get outdoors, but we don't tarry long.

On our way back from Tucson the other day, we were stopped at the train tracks behind a school bus. The "Driver in Training" notation told me it was probably our friend J.J., who was Sam's trainer six months ago. Sure enough, I was able to say hello when we all pulled over at the mailboxes (which is also the bus stop) a short distance away.

Speaking of Sam, on his way to work this week, he took this photo of a hawk surveying the land before sunrise. Don't you love all the colors in God's creation?!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

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