Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Moving Day!

I spent last week clearing our stuff out of the little house, so we could move Mom in. Dingus stayed close to me as things disappeared out of the house. He didn't want to be left behind.

Some of our stuff had to go into our storage trailer. It has a great view at sunrise! Lately I've been getting an early start on every day -- Sam's new school bus driver job necessitates leaving the house at 4 a.m., so my day starts soon thereafter.

Once I got all our stuff moved to the 5th wheel, the cats were next. I think they were relieved to find all of our furniture and familiar smells.

Every nook and cranny was inspected.

Until they finally settled down on our familiar bed.

Moving day finally arrived last Friday! It was a busy day, so I didn't get many photos. Ma and I packed boxes in her car and headed out to the ranch to await the arrival of the furniture.

What a welcome sight!

Juan and Becky did the majority of the move in their truck and a U-Haul trailer.

Uncle Henry called at the perfect time to keep Mom occupied!

While Juan did all the heavy lifting, Becky and I took the smaller items. Their dog Domino spent a lot of time exploring, as well as "helping".

A couple hours later, all Mom's things were in.

And by the following day, I had emptied most of the boxes. Ma is definitely not a hoarder and one of her favorite things is to go through her closet or desk and throw away or give away whatever she hasn't used in awhile.

My Mom and Dad lived here 5 years ago before Pa passed away, so it feels like home to Ma.

Now it's time for a walk in the country!

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