Saturday, March 28, 2020

Distancing . . . no problem

Social distancing is proving to be easy at Pumpkin Patch Ranch. We can't even squint and see our neighbors! Sam and I enjoyed a cup of coffee and hot chocolate while watching the sunrise a few days ago.

Sam is home on extended school break and is working on projects, indoors and out. I sure like having him around.

He installed aluminum edging on Mom's steps, making them easier to see at night and in low light.

Then last night we had a cold snap and had to move the flower pots into the greenhouse. This gave us the incentive to make a pot strap for the garden cart we bought secondhand. It works beautifully and Sam's back thanks him!

We do occasionally go to Walmart and other local businesses to get supplies. Last week we drove to Sierra Vista, which is slightly closer than Tucson, and while there we sought out the world's first drive-thru McDonalds. Sam heard about it, and it's a great story. Click here:

We invited friends over a couple of times and Sam greeted them with his coronavirus headgear.

They brought their own food and we enjoyed visiting at the patio table outdoors. These new ways of interacting have been strange and we hope it's over soon.

I don't think we've shown you our greenhouse. Several weeks ago we started several dozen seeds and they're starting to come up! There's broccoli in front and radishes in the second tub.

Also cucumbers, peppers, tomatillos and tomatoes, several varieties of each. It's exciting to see their progress day to day.

Mom Virginia is doing pretty well. She takes a walk most days, and we're not taking her out in public except to Becky and Juan's a week ago. Oh, and to the clinic in Benson for a minor ailment.

Spring flowers showed up a couple weeks ago, but so far aren't as prolific as we thought after our rains.

We do enjoy them, however!

I call these Mormon tea, and I don't know if the golden pods are flower buds or seeds. I'll be watching them.

There are also orange, blue and cream colored blooms, but most are too small to photograph.

We often see hawks and ravens on the wing. This big guy was on our neighbors' gate.

There's still snow on Mt. Graham, 60 miles northeast, but it's melting fast. Spring is definitely here.

I hope you all can enjoy your days and feel peace in spite of this strange chapter in our lives. Be well.

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