Tuesday, April 7, 2020

All things alive

Greetings, friends and family! We continue to do well at Pumpkin Patch Ranch. Sam's school district is closed until July, so he is hanging around doing projects and keeping Mom entertained during meals and TV programs.

Today, after a couple weeks of staying home, we took off on a little adventure in the car.

Mom usually rides shotgun because the front passenger seat is easier for her to get in and out of. We explored a road near Benson that we hadn't driven yet.

It was great to be outdoors with the windows open to the fresh air, looking at a different view.

We saw wildflowers, but I couldn't photograph many of them.

We stopped for takeout at lunch, then headed back. Sam had to get home for a continuing education class online with his school district.

Back at the ranch, we're seeing more critters and plants as the weather warms up. Bugs, birds . . .

Butterflies . . .

Lizards . . .

And this beautiful guy that Sam's sister Faye named Jake the Snake. He showed up in our greenhouse about a week ago.

Sam's research shows he's a Western Coachwhip, a type of racer, probably a juvenile but over 4 feet long. He eats mice and other rodents and is non-venomous, so we encouraged him to stay, but it's looking like he moved on a few days ago.

Too bad; we could have used him this week. We've trapped 3 rats near Mom's house and found a mouse in the 5th wheel and rodent damage inside Sam's car. Not fun!

Speaking of new plants, our first harvest was radishes planted 6 weeks ago.

We picked about a dozen so far, and then popped new seeds in the dirt for an ongoing harvest.

I'll close with recent photos of native flowers right here on PPR. This pink fluffy one is fairy duster.

So many varieties when you slow down and look at the details.

Thanks for hanging out with us today. I pray you are staying sane as we wait and watch and do what needs to be done. God bless you all.

(Many photos courtesy of Sam.)

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