Thursday, June 27, 2019

Quiet days

We've had a quiet week, with the one exception of last Sunday evening at the Tucson Pops Orchestra Music Under the Stars concert with our friends, Paul and Gaye. That's Gaye on the far left, with her mom Thelma, sister Kit, me, Paul and Sam.

It's been years since I've been to these concerts in Reid Park, and it was a perfect evening!

Back on the ranch, Mom Vae takes a walk fairly early every day, to avoid the afternoon heat. Can you see her behind that bush? She often sits and looks at the sunlight and shadows on the hills and mountains. And keeps tabs on the neighbors.

I've been working on a project in our 5th wheel. The twenty year old cabinet latches were stiff and some were broken, so Sam bought new magnetic ones.

Sam installed the first one and showed me how he did it on the second one. Then on the third one, he showed me again and had me do it. I wrote down my directions and with a couple adjustments, I've done the whole kitchen. No one can say I'm a quick learner!

Only 9 more cabinet doors to go. Maybe I'll be done by next week. Have a great week, everyone!

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