Friday, June 21, 2019

Not much news

Our garden fared pretty well during  the two weeks we were gone on vacation. Most of the plants survived. But they're growing so slowly, Sam has been experimenting with adding nutrients in the form of compost and liquid additives.

We've harvested mostly lettuce, but also peppers and a few small okra. And the tiny turnips, which are dormant now in the hot season.

Sam is back to work several days a week washing, buffing and waxing his school bus. We also spent a Saturday morning helping his friend J.J. trim several mesquite trees. J.J. was Sam's bus driving trainer and is in his mid-70's, working on his third or fourth career!

Not much else has been going on. The morning temperatures here are surprisingly nice, in the 60's, and afternoons get a little warm, up to 97 or 98 degrees. Not bad for June.

I'll end with a few sightings in and around the ranch. This fine specimen crossed the road one day on our drive home. We hadn't seen cattle in a month or two.

Of course, we have dozens of lizards, but they're hard to capture in photos. I'm not sure what kind the striped one is, but the second is likely a Clark's Spiny Lizard.

Sam found this guy hanging on the window of our 5th wheel. He's over an inch in length and I can't believe all the detail on his legs and body.

We've recently spotted a little quail family of mom, dad and 5 or 6 babies, but they're even harder to photograph without a zoom lens. This is a little fuzzy, but can you see one parent and several smalls just right of center and left of the yucca blossom? So cute!

Of course, our predominant, constant native creatures during the heat of summer are the cicadas. There must be hundreds on the ranch, in mesquite trees and other bushes, and the sound of them means summer is in full swing.

Finally, our favorite native, Dingus Magee. He dealt with car travel by hiding any way he could!

Stay cool, everyone!

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