Sunday, June 30, 2019

It's time for monsoons!

It's been humid for a couple days and this morning the anvil type clouds started to build to the north.

And the southwest.

Within a few hours, we could see rain near the mountains.

Then on the mountain.

And now it's raining on the Pumpkin Patch Ranch! It's our first monsoon storm of the season and it smells so fresh and sweet and the thunder sounds great. We love this time of year.

Before the heavens opened up, we worked on the garden. Sam planted more seeds in a few empty buckets.

And installed climbing sticks made of native mesquite shoots around the tomatoes, cucumbers and squash. Mom came out to supervise.

Then Sam put up bird netting to protect our ripening tomatoes. Aren't they pretty?

We brought in our first cucumber last week and it tasted so fresh.

Isn't summer great? Sam has a mandatory week off before school starts again in July, so he's planning lots of projects, barbeques and a few adventures.

We hope you all have a great week!

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