Thursday, May 16, 2019

First harvest

We're so excited! We harvested the first vegetables from our garden! Three small turnips were crowding the others nearby, so Sam pulled them out. I washed and shredded them and Mom, Sam and I each had a few bites of turnip hashbrowns. They're a little sweeter than potatoes, with less carbs.

Our next step . . . let me rephrase that . . . SAM's next project is putting up a fence to keep out the rabbits. Our friend Don gave us the fenceposts. First, Sam had to remove one arm of a nearby mesquite.

I'm always the cleanup crew, fetching tools and holding one end of the tape measure.

Sam drove the posts into the ground with his old fashioned post driver. All of this was on his mid-day break from driving his school bus.

We spotted a Northern Harrier hawk surveying the ranch for small prey. They often cruise low over the ground, so they're hard to photograph.

Here's the spring flower of the week. They're tall, with 2 or 3 inch blooms.

In other news, I got my hair cut last week. My long-time hairdresser in Tucson retired a few months ago, so I found a nice stylist in Benson. I think she did a good job.

I'll leave you with a quick view of my mom Vae showing off the violets sent for Mother's Day by her favorite son. Or was it her second favorite son? It changes from week to week.

All I know is, it wasn't her favorite son-in-law. He's the chef!

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