Sunday, April 7, 2019


Dingus and Frankie are always a bright spot in my day. Sam recently put in a cat door leading to a storage compartment where we keep the litter box. I clean it through an outside door. So much better than having it in our small living space.

Dingus found his way into the laundry bag last week. He loves clean laundry.

Frankie loves high shelves. I heard a noise and looked up to see he had made a mighty leap from the TV cabinet to the top of the TV!

Yesterday Sam and I moved about half of the bucket garden to our new spot behind the house. The trenches for the water pipe have to be leveled first, so the buckets all have equal access to water.

Then Sam drilled holes in the second pipe, with help from Mom.

When we ran out of energy on the garden, I spent a little time in Mom's front yard. I loosened the soil, worked in some mulch and transplanted the marigold seedlings. The jury is still out on whether they will survive.

Then we all rested a bit at the patio table. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, with only a slight breeze.

Spring continues to evolve on the ranch. Sam and I took a walk the other day and saw two different kinds of yucca blossoms we've never noticed before.

A few days later, the dark red one burst out with these creamy blooms.

Our adventures culminated last night when our friend Ray brought his band to our local Mescal Bar and Grill. Ray and Sam have been friends almost 20 years and worked together twice. Ray is a great musician and his band, Chip Tortilla and the Nacho Problem, did an awesome job.

I hope you all had a great weekend! Blessings on you and yours this week.

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