Saturday, April 20, 2019

Snakes alive!

We had a little excitement on the ranch yesterday! It wasn't Mom Vae going through her cards, letters and notes, although that's a favorite activity at least once a week.

Along with a few related stories.

Our excitement began with me spotting a rattlesnake less than a foot away. And I was wearing flip flops! I quickly backed off and yelled for Sam.

My hero! He grabbed a flat shovel and with several chops on the writhing body, off came the head.

I'm so thankful he was home for Good Friday!

It's so weird how they keep moving after they're dead. This is a Western Diamondback. We measured him at 38 inches long, and his middle section was pretty thick, like he had eaten a mouse or two recently. We thank the Lord that no one got hurt. Although Mom now wants to move back into town!

("Snakes Alive" title courtesy of Sam. He has a way with words!)

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