Friday, March 1, 2019

It's finally spring

As I announced previously, this week was my Mom's 85th birthday. This most spectacular gift was from my brother Ben and his wife Kathy, though Ma was sure it was Kathy's idea. I have a feeling it's now up to me to keep it alive!

Sam and I took her out for dinner to Mi Casa, a truly wonderful little Mexican restaurant in Benson that rivals the best in larger cities in both taste and presentation.

We had a great dinner.

This is Andy singing Happy Birthday. He and his wife own the place. Andy is the manager and waiter, and his wife is the chef. It was a fun ending to a perfect celebration.

Earlier in the week, I brought out my vintage sewing machine for a project for Sam's former bosses. The cats were immediately curious.

Everything had to be inspected. On a side note, Sam is occasionally doing website projects for them again, working from home.

These are the Whetstone Mountains just a few miles south of us, and they still have a little snow one week after the big storm. But the temperatures have been above 60 all week, so for now, Spring has sprung!

Mom and I went to a talk at Benson Library on Thursday, and afterward stopped to get a few spring flowers for our pots.

That afternoon, I got most of our seeds into seedling flats (a.k.a. egg cartons).

They spend the nights in our little greenhouse, snug and warm, while we prepare the planting buckets this weekend.

We still have a few to be planted directly into the soil. But we're on our way!


Fran said...

Mom looks great, can you send some spring my way lookinget out my window at couple of inches of snow more to come tom. But it is March

Anonymous said...

What a great Birthday celebration you had for your mom, Val looks fantastic! You guys look like you are really settling into your beautiful ranch!!