Friday, February 8, 2019

Seattle, part 2: Snow Day!

The day after the wedding, most of the Staleys got together for lunch, giving cousin Jeff, the genealogist, a chance to arrange a four-generation photo. Thanks for thinking of this, Jeff! From left, we have dad Alex, great-grandma Vae, baby Nola (age 5 months), mom Hannah, grandma Kathy, and grandpa Ben.

Nola was definitely the belle of this luncheon, as she was passed from hand to lap. Here she's with great-aunt Becky and grandpa Ben. (It's SO weird for me to say that!)

Snow was falling as we ate lunch, and by the next morning, 7 or 8 inches had  accumulated.

Fortunately, Sam flew out the night before, and Ma and I weren't leaving till tomorrow. This kind of weather is unusual for Seattle area, but they're more well prepared than Tucson.

Alex and Hannah dropped by and Alex shoveled snow from the front walk, porch, driveway, and my rental car! What a guy! Then we set out to discover the winter wonderland.

The gumdrop trees were right next door.

We wandered the quiet back streets.

And ended up with the smallest snow angel.

I so seldom have an opportunity to enjoy a winter day. It was worth it, in spite of cold, wet feet at the end.

The rest of the day was spent snuggled inside in front of a roaring fire. Perfect.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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