Sunday, December 9, 2018

Cookie exchange

Yesterday we had a fun cookie exchange and brunch gathering with the women at church, organized by Michele (on the right). I'm the second of two Jans in the group, and the first is on the left above!

So a few days ago, I spent part of the day baking. I was using a recipe called Velvet Cookies from a vintage Mirro Cooky-Pastry Press set that used to belong to Karen's mom, Irmgard. Remember Karen, from Thanksgiving? We're guessing that mom bought the kit in the 1950's.

It worked great! First I used plain dough to make camels. Camels fit in with a Christmas theme, right? They're a bit chubby, but so cute!

Next, I put red and green food coloring in 2 batches and made little wreaths. You pack the dough in this canister and twist down the press till a cookie comes out the bottom.

But my favorites were the Christmas trees!

Once they cooled off, I packed them in these cute boxes I found at Walmart, and it was time for the cookie exchange.

We met at the church to drop off our cookies, then carpooled to the restaurant.

Not many shy people in this crowd, so we had a lot to talk about. I don't have many chances to get together with a nice group of women, so I really had a good time.

Once back at the church, we loaded up with one packet of cookies from each person. Pat and Jean look happy -- they must have already gotten their cookies!

I'm pretty sure mine won't last till Christmas around my house!

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