Monday, October 15, 2018

Skies are big around here

I can't remember when we've had a more strange fall around here. Normally, September and October are hot and sunny for weeks on end. This year we've had rain every week, and not just sprinkles.

So it was nice to see some blue skies yesterday on our way home from church.

After a late lunch, Sam and I worked on transferring gasoline from the rear gas tank to the front tank. When we bought the truck, the previous owner had filled the rear tank, then Sam discovered that the fuel pump wasn't working back there.

He rigged up some fuel line to go from the fuel filter up to the front tank where you fill it at the gas station. Then somehow he got the gas to go through the line, maybe bypassing the defunct fuel pump? Obviously, when it comes to auto repair, I just do what I'm told!

This morning we had a beautiful sunrise.

But this is what the ranch looks like most of the day.

If this keeps up, we'll have some gorgeous spring flowers. And we certainly need the rain. We're in Southern Arizona, after all!

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