Saturday night was the pumpkin carving party. Nope, not at the Pumpkin Patch Ranch; we're not that organized . . . or that popular!
Scott (on the left) and Lynn have hosted this fun event for several years. Denny (on the right) is Scott and Sam's former boss, now retired (we missed you, Christel!).
Here's another view of the "floral arrangement" between them. Lynn is incredibly talented at pumpkin carving and this year she branched out into paper mache and polymer. Scott made the plant stand out of steel. Now I want to see "Little Shop of Horrors" again!
Their decorations are awesome and get better every year.
Great food and a fun party!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I've been moving rocks around and clearing our parking area of weeds. And I'm finally done with trimming trees! I counted 16. They're mostly small, and I enjoy it, but I'm glad to be done for the year!
The bigger story is that Sam and I are gearing up to start our garden. Over a month ago, we started seeds in this little greenhouse that my dad built 5 years ago. It's attached to the shed.
Cute, huh?
The seedlings are coming up and Sam's racing to get the self-watering system done before they need to be transplanted. Arugula, collard greens, peppers, okra, maybe some tomatoes!
You'll be hearing more on this subject!