Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Pumpkin Patch Ranch! Jan and Vae spent a quiet Christmas together while Sam worked on a side job in Phoenix.

We listened to beautiful Christmas music and I made sure we had all the Christmas goodies we wanted, which turned out to be one or two of everything in the house!

Then we went on a walk to enjoy the clearing weather and the views of our mountains and valley.

On Christmas Eve, we were invited to a gathering hosted by Pam and Chuck, leaders of a nice little community group we've been attending.

It's been good to make new friends in our neighborhood.

Meanwhile, Sam played Santa for the two boys at our friends' house where he was working. He must have done a great job, because when I spent the following weekend with them, the four-year-old told and retold the tale of how Santa brought gifts, ate cookies and milk, and Sam missed the whole thing because he was "at the store"!

The weekend before Christmas, the weather warmed up enough that we did more painting on the deck railings.

How do you like that color? See how it matches the trim on the house? We're very pleased with how it's turned out.

On New Year's Day, Dingus came for a visit while we watched the Rose Parade. His first priority was exploring all the sights and smells in the house.

Only then did he warm up to Grandma and come close enough for head scratches. As usual, Frankie snoozed through the whole morning at home.

I hope your holidays have been good ones. Sam is coming home today, so I'm excited! We both wish you a happy New Year filled with awareness of faith and the important things in life.

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