Saturday, March 30, 2019

The first of spring

Back at the PPR, our first spring flowers are popping up all over.

We love the ones we don't have to plant or water!

Fortunately, most of our vegetable seedlings survived our absence last week.

They're starting to show their mature leaves.

And we water them every day. Temps are in the upper 70's already.

Evenings are still warm and we've eaten supper on Mom's deck a couple of times.

Mainly to enjoy the full effects of the sunset. Times to savor and appreciate!

Mom is staying a couple nights at Becky and Juan's this weekend, so Sam and I are enjoying our freedom! We drove to Sierra Vista last night for a nice dinner out. Today we're doing a few projects.

Sam installed a couple of electronics fans in the back of the refrigerator in our 5th wheel.

He hopes they will improve the fridge's performance and circulation as our weather heats up. He also put smaller ones inside the fridge, which helped when we last lived in a 5th wheel a few years ago.

We hope you're also having a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

San Antonio

We've been back at the PPR for a few days, but Sam, Mom and I have all been feeling dragged down by a cold that gradually worsened while on our trip. On Monday we drove into Tucson to see our respective doctors and with the medications prescribed, I think we're finally on the mend. I'm thankful that Sam can always make my Mom laugh, even when we're sick and traipsing around Walmart.

But let me tell you about San Antonio last week. That's way more fun! We started with dinner at a crawfish place.

It was quite a feast, poured onto the middle of the table.

We dug in with our hands, of course.

Ma regaled us (several times!) with tales of catching crawdads in the creek at her childhood home in Kansas City.

After that scrumptious meal, Sam spied a nearby Goodwill store, for a half hour stroll through the aisles. By this time, he was in full "selfie" mode.

The next day, we headed for the Alamo. Looks like Mom and I are getting a little weary of the selfies.

It was a thrill to experience this historic western fort first built as a Spanish mission in the 1700's.

You can feel the age of the surrounding walls and windows, and imagine what life was like for the people who lived (and died) there.

Our next stop was just a few blocks away . . . the River Walk! Built along the banks of the San Antonio River one level below the streets, it's an incredibly beautiful and unique downtown attraction.

We found our way down to the walk, and Mom was off and running!

Though she did slow down eventually.

We took the boat tour so we could see more of it without tiring her out.

The river meanders past many historic buildings, restaurants and shops.

More of those Texas size sculptures.

It was a perfect day (though the parking was a challenge) and has become one of my new favorite places!

The next day we took a few hours to wash some clothes. Sam calls this "Several Shades of Grey." Definitely Ma's favorite color these days.

They had fun with one final thrift store before we headed home, a long couple of days, but with Sam's long distance driving skills, he made it easy on us.

We just wish we hadn't been feeling too poorly to make it to our friend Robbie's Air Force basic training activities. Sam graduated basic training at the same base 33 years ago! We missed seeing you all (but we also didn't want to pass along our colds!).

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


We made it! Those of you who watch the HGTV show Fixer Upper may recognize the Silos in Waco, Texas. And Ma.

But first we spent many hours driving across eastern New Mexico and west Texas. With no internet signal. Which is why I got behind on my blog posts.

Sam was our trusty, unflagging long-distance driver for most of it. I only took over for an hour or so. He sure takes good care of us. He used to drive much of this route in his big truck. 

We were so glad to get here, and enjoyed our lunch at the Silos and stroll through the Magnolia store.

But it was a crowded, popular place, so we soon moved on to quieter locations. 

Sam found a website that allowed us to drive through downtown Waco and other pretty neighborhoods and find many of the homes featured on the show. This was called the shotgun house.

We also ran across the workshop of Clint Harp, who often makes wooden tables or benches for the show. The beautiful little shop was fun to visit.

Spring blossoms were showing up all over, so we found a lakeside park to explore.

Then dinner at Twisted Root Burger Co., where Sam enjoyed an "adult beverage."

Mom Vae wasn't so impressed! (She didn't actually drink any of it.)

This establishment had an amusing fixation on Chuck Norris, so Sam documented the many sayings on the bathroom walls. If you want to see any more, just ask him.

We took Uber to the restaurant and were transported by author Margaret Ferguson, who sold us one of her books. I'm looking forward to reading it on the way home. 

This morning, before heading out of town, Sam found the Common Grounds Coffee Shop, near the campus of Baylor University. Chip and Joanna renovated a home for the owners several years ago.

Sam had coffee, Ma had tea, and I chose Mexican chocolate. For the first time ever, they decorated my whipped cream!

We had a nice visit on their funky patio.

Right next door Sam spotted this adorable old delivery van converted to an ice cream truck. We want one!

We really enjoyed this small city of Waco, and our last stop was a good one. First we marveled at the many iron statues of cowboys and longhorn cattle near the Brazos River.

Then we took a walk across the Waco Suspension Bridge, built in 1870.

It was a beautiful spot and a beautiful day.

In spite of Sam's shenanigans. He's in full vacation mode now!

Tomorrow, San Antonio!