Thursday, July 26, 2018

We're alive!

It's been a whole week since I checked in with you all. We've been busy, but not always with the fun stuff! Sam's back got better, then worse again, and we've been seeing the acupuncture doctor and massage therapist. Things are moving along. Thanks for your prayers and concerns!

Sam is back at work, although he can't sit for long, so he raised his desk and stands up all day. Sitting while driving isn't good either, so he lies down in the back seat while his chauffeur (me) drives. It's relaxing for me, because when he can't see the road, he can't tell me how to drive! (Mostly kidding!)

Walking is good for Sam's back, so we are going out every morning. We spotted these purple flowers, a result of our recent rains.

So are the grass shoots coming up through the dead yellow stalks!

And new green leaves on the native mesquites.

Unrelated to the rains, I also noticed some interesting shapes in God's creation. This is yucca, of course.

And this weird cloud reminds me of the Asian art in our acupuncture office.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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