Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hot topics

We went into Tucson yesterday to take care of a myriad of things, one being lunch with my Mom. It was nice and cool in the bar and grill and Ma and I shared a chicken sandwich.

On the way in, a small herd of cattle crossed the road, flanked by this big bull. He was huge! We didn't want to get too close, so I almost didn't get a photo.

We spent all day in town in the sun and heat, in and out of the car. The ranch had gotten some rain, so the drive home was cooler. With a light show! Video editing courtesy of Sam.

Today we decided to stick around the PPR and get some projects done. We (mostly Sam, with my assistance) installed an air conditioner in the bedroom to supplement the small one in the living room. Inside daytime temperatures of 86 degrees weren't making us happy. Imagine that! We would like to put in a mini-split system to both cool and heat, but it would cost 20 times more to install, so we'll put that off for now.

And Sam rearranged his barbecue grills so he can start using them. Beginning this afternoon with fire roasted tomato salsa on avocados. Yum! (Love those muscular legs, Sweetie!)

Thursday, July 26, 2018

We're alive!

It's been a whole week since I checked in with you all. We've been busy, but not always with the fun stuff! Sam's back got better, then worse again, and we've been seeing the acupuncture doctor and massage therapist. Things are moving along. Thanks for your prayers and concerns!

Sam is back at work, although he can't sit for long, so he raised his desk and stands up all day. Sitting while driving isn't good either, so he lies down in the back seat while his chauffeur (me) drives. It's relaxing for me, because when he can't see the road, he can't tell me how to drive! (Mostly kidding!)

Walking is good for Sam's back, so we are going out every morning. We spotted these purple flowers, a result of our recent rains.

So are the grass shoots coming up through the dead yellow stalks!

And new green leaves on the native mesquites.

Unrelated to the rains, I also noticed some interesting shapes in God's creation. This is yucca, of course.

And this weird cloud reminds me of the Asian art in our acupuncture office.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

It's been a long week

On Monday we drove into Tucson for Sam's doctor appointment and to do laundry. Later I had a not-so-surprising helper while putting away towels and sheets. Dingus loves fresh laundry.

He also loves sleeping with Pop (Sam) on the bed. Sam's back pain is still severe and the medical cogs turn SO slowly. He can't get a referral or specialist appointment for a month, so tomorrow we're trying acupuncture (which has helped before).

Meanwhile, Frankie insists on attention on his own schedule, which is usually 5 a.m.

Both cats are lobbying for an outdoor "catio" space. This one is part of a local animal shelter. Do you think it's big enough?!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Catch up

It was cool enough yesterday morning to organize some things in our storage trailer. Yay! I freed up enough space to store all the boxes clogging the shed near the house. But first I need to catalog the contents. Another project, another day.

Meanwhile, Frankie found a new perch on the valance shelf over the living room window. He's a cat who loves high places. Dingus is more of a couch potato. 

We brought my Mom out for the weekend! Breakfast was on the patio on this cool, cloudy morning and we've had several gentle rains throughout the day. Which we love!

Every year the rains bring out a variety of creatures. Sam spotted this little guy, a red velvet mite less than 1/4" long.

Requesting prayers for Sam, if you can. He wrenched his back; very painful. Hope your weekend goes better!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

A red-letter day

My first FedEx delivery since we moved here. Exciting!

Then a few hours later, UPS. Doubly exciting! (I don't get out much these days.) Both packages were small: a new phone case and protective screen cover for Sam. Delivered separately. By rival delivery services. Forty miles from Tucson. Does anyone else think this is a bit crazy?

The few times someone has come up the driveway, Frankie and Dingus are my warning system.

Today, they were also the entertainment, with a playful sparring match.

Notice how Dingus is usually on top and Frankie acts submissive. Despite Dingus being declawed and Frankie having claws, at 8 years old to Frankie's 3, and also being in the family longer, Dingus is top dog . . . I mean, cat!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Multiple hats

You know that old saying about wearing many different hats? These days I wear 2 or 3 (or not).

Sam left around 6 a.m. for work and it was still cool and cloudy. We had an old barrel cactus in the front yard that Sam pronounced dead. Sure enough, it was a dried husk. I easily loaded it into the wheelbarrow and moved it to an open area where it can decompose in peace. (And yes, the handle on the pitchfork IS lavender! We bought it at a yard sale recently and there's a matching shovel.)

This is where I spend many hours lately, applying for jobs and doing paperwork.

My part-time companion, Dingus, gets his own chair. Otherwise he would be walking across my keyboard and laying on the papers.

It has a great view!

An hour or so later and we have this. Have I said we love monsoons?! The pinging noise is the raindrops on the metal roof.

Hope you're all enjoying your summer!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Spaces and faces

Living in such a small house, our deck has become much-needed extra space. We drove into Tucson today for a funeral service and Sam's early morning tasks included de-furring his black shirt. Such are the hazards of owning a white cat.

Second on the agenda was ironing said black shirt. Sam often does this himself. What a great guy I have!!

The service (related to a former colleague of Sam's) was at St. Augustine Cathedral in downtown Tucson. I was hoping to show you how pretty it is, but this wasn't the right time for photos. Funerals are filled with difficult sad moments, as well as bittersweet joyful memories and Sam connected with guys he used to work with at the Arizona Air National Guard.

It was so hot in town (106 degrees), we came straight home and holed up for the afternoon. Dingus was happy to join Sam for a nap on his recliner.

Hope you have a good weekend, everyone!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

They're here!

Remember what I forecast just last week? That our monsoon rains usually start on or around July 4th? Look what came through this afternoon!

We had a nice little rain for half an hour or so. It cooled things off from 95 degrees down to almost 80, which really helped our swamp cooler do a better job.

I love the huge billowing clouds.

And it cleared the air right up. Although now, a couple hours later, we're getting another little spitter of a storm. We'll take it!

Enjoy the rest of your short week, ya'll.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day, everyone!

We went to a party at our friend Julie's house, because we love her and she makes great food! And we took our friend Kathie, because we love her, too!

Julie's backyard is awesome.

We got some help with our selfie from Julie's daughter Laura, the queen of selfies and a good friend. She also did those awesome decorations.

Hope you all had a fun holiday with family and friends!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Finally, a Harley

Sam's motorcycle is running again at last! It's shiny, sparkly and powerful and he's having fun riding it around town.

It sure looks and sounds good. Over the 15 years Sam and I have known each other (we're coming up on our 14th anniversary), I have come to greatly appreciate the sound of a finely tuned powerful Harley. And Sam is one of the best at bringing out that unique rumble and roar. (My video camera, however, doesn't do it justice.)

This bike is going up for sale soon. We acquired it for the purpose of reselling it and as beautiful as it is, it's not made for the dirt roads on the ranch.

It's time to move along!