Sunday, March 16, 2008

Slab Prep and Pour (Part 1 of 4) - June 11, 2007

With the hottest part of summer approaching, we were anxious to pour a concrete slab and start lifting heavy blocks. Nothing is quite as satisfying as spending your days in the sun flirting with heat stroke.

Miss Jan and I borrowed a camper from our friends Dennis and Joni, who live south of the PPR on the other side of the interstate. They even hauled it over and helped us set it up. On Monday, our friend Don came out to set up batter boards and give me pointers on pouring a good slab.

I soon realized that the batter boards surrounded a large pile of dirt which could only be moved with a wheel barrow and shovel. Fortunately it was early June and all danger of frost bite was gone. My major challenge was keeping sunscreen on my skin while I pumped every drop of liquid consumed out through my pores. When Miss Jan arrived after work, she helped me set up form boards. We worked well into the night to make them secure and square.

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