Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A little work before the purchase

Because we live in the desert where there is a whole bunch of rock and very hard earth, we decided to invest a little money to have a perc test done before we signed the papers. On September 3rd 2005 we hired a backhoe operator and a septic engineer to do a percolation test. This test ensures that you can effectively install a septic system and have the leach field drain properly. Little did we know the test has to be done near where you are building the house. We quickly decided on a proposed building site and the test began. All went well. We also called a well driller out to the property and asked his opinion as to whether or not there was water. Having drilled many wells in the area, he confidently said "pick where you want your well and I will get you water". These were just a couple of peace-of-mind items that we wanted to check on before we signed on the dotted line.

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