We have news! Sam is back on the big road.
About a month ago, he made the wrenching decision to quit his job as a bus driver (which he loved) and go back to trucking.
He called our friend Sam (yes, now there's two), who's based in Salt Lake City and has been talking to him for years about driving with him.
In the past month, they have made several trips between Salt Lake City and upstate New York.
They go through Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Except when Wyoming is closed due to blizzards, which has been a couple times already! As many of you know, it's a cold and snowy winter up there.
They've hauled air conditioners, farm equipment and railroad parts.
Sam really enjoys driving a big truck again.
He loves to check out the cool trucks and talk to the drivers. We talk several times a day and sometimes I help him stay alert late at night. His CB handle is "Nighthawk" and he likes driving the quieter roads after dark.
Of course it's important to keep up the mohawk haircut.
And eat healthy on the road. He's doing a great job!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Dingus got a skin injury on a front paw and we visited the vet. Twice.
He tolerated the head cone well and stayed closer to mom and brother Frankie. He lost some weight, but he's doing fine now and just turned 13 years old.
With Sam gone, I have more time and am trying my hand at doing projects on my own. The shelves in our hall utility closet were sagging and falling down. First I demolished them and repainted the interior. Then I made a trip to Ace Hardware for brackets and shelves.
It was a little work, but they turned out well!
Next I tackled the outdoors. Part of the skirting around the bottom of our little park model was gaping open. First I cleaned the weeds and dirt out of the track.
More recently, I cleaned out the greenhouse because I want to start some seedlings and have a small garden this spring and summer.
I also cleaned out the garden a bit and gathered potting soil, fertilizers and nutrients like earth worm castings, bat guano and ground eggshells (courtesy of Sam).
Partly due to the aforementioned winter weather, which has come all the way south to Arizona. One of Sam's recent yard sale finds was greenhouse heat pads to put under the seedlings, and I'm using them!
Fortunately, it was a nice day for the 25th anniversary and renewal of vows for our neighbors, Heather and Owen. If you go through that gate in the background and turn left, you're on our property! Our last blog post also featured a renewal of vows; evidently enduring love is in the air.
I have also had time for some artistic pursuits. The larger paint party was at Huachuca Art Gallery in Sierra Vista.
I tried alcohol ink and watercolor, which were both fun.
I've also been to an oil painting class in Sierra Vista, since I now have a pretty good set of oils. The photo we used is on top and the small painting below. I got a lot of help from Susan, the instructor.
I'll say goodbye with today's view of our beautiful Rincon Peak. It's even more majestic in person.
And I'll let Sam close with a sunset he sent me today from somewhere out on the road. May your winters be short and your sunsets long!