Today, January 13th, is our Monthiversary! We celebrate the 13th of every month because 13 is a special number for us. I was born on June 13. Sam and I met on September 13 (that's what we celebrate). Sam's birthday is January 21 (a little over a week away), and 21 fits well with 13, at least in my mind. And my first wedding, to Dan 37 years ago, was on August 13. It's a good number!
A few days ago the sunrise was beautiful in every direction. I should talk to you guys on videos, but it's just not my thing. Sorry. :)
Let's see, what have we been doing for the past month? Christmas was quiet. We ate brunch, did a puzzle (Sam put the box cover on the TV for us), and Sam made ham and beans for dinner.
Sam spent part of Christmas break cleaning and polishing his bus.
He also cleaned and rewired an air compressor he got from our friend and neighbor, Owen. It's old, but bigger and better than the other 2 or 3 compressors Sam has.
I can't remember if I've mentioned that Sam bought a new car! His tiny Honda Fit spent 2 years getting beat up by our dirt road, and we decided it deserves a better home. We're presently cleaning it up for resale.
This is a 2011 Ford Crown Victoria, and Sam is doing what he can to make it look like a former police cruiser. He loves to see speeders slow down when they spot him!
On the other end of the spectrum, we just acquired a cute little camper from another neighbor who was moving.
It's a late-1950's Field & Stream and was used as a chicken coop, so we got it really cheap. It needs a lot of cleaning and work.
A few weeks ago, Sam and I took the Crown Vic on a road trip down back highways in southeastern Arizona. We found small towns, a flea market, thrift stores and plenty of interesting people.
Evidently it was still the holidays in St. David.
This is the Old Pearce Post Office. We visited McNeal, Elfrida, Pearce/Sunsites and Dragoon, and had a fun, relaxing day.
I attempted a painting of the above building the following week, and I kind of like it.
On January 3rd, Mom Virginia had a TIA mini-stroke and we called the paramedics. Her vital signs recovered quickly, so she didn't go to the hospital. But since then, we've noticed that her dementia is a little worse and she needs more help with daily care.
She still wanted to go for a short walk with me one day, but she tires easily and doesn't stand up as straight.
Sam installed a set of handrails in Mom's little bathroom.
He said he had to use a 12 foot tape to measure her hips and make sure the rails were wide enough. Mom still loves to laugh, especially with Sam.
I've been able to do a little painting in our RV kitchen lately, and I love the feeling it gives me, although not always the result.
I call this, "Road to Mescal Studios," and it's pretty much the view looking east from our ranch.
This is Mom's front yard.
Our roadrunner visitor. I enhanced the colors. Just a bit.
A small painting I did just for this frame.
Our sunflower from last summer.
My art teacher, Kathy, brought this vase of flowers to class before Christmas.
And these are my most recent, also done specifically for the frame. I'm sure I have over 13 paintings by now!
Happy New Year to all of you! We hope and pray that we will all see God's hands guiding and watching over us in 2021.