Another busy day--I have a feeling we'll have a lot of those. I had breakfast on the deck, with a chaotic close-up view before the unpacking began. It was still a beautiful morning.
This is only about 1/3 of the accumulation to be tackled, but I'm kind of looking forward to the challenge.
On a different subject, have you noticed how the world and our culture keeps changing? (Of course you have.) We wanted to donate the nice mattress and box spring that's been here, because we brought our own. Sam called several thrift stores, who all said they no longer take mattresses because of the bed bug problem. What a shame that the problem with a few affects the whole. We had to take it to the dump.
On the way out, we saw an update on Rush Hour at the PPR. We slowed down as several of these fine bovine specimens crossed the road. It's a common sight, as much of the land surrounding us is state land that's used for grazing by the ranch nearby.
We returned the moving truck to Tucson, a 2+ hour round-trip, before returning . . . home!
By the end of the day, we made a small dent in the stack of boxes, especially in the kitchen. Some of our frozen meat had thawed in the cooler en route, so Sam volunteered as chef (one of his best and most endearing talents). He made the most yummy, entirely homemade sloppy joes.
What did you all do today?