Thursday, May 31, 2018

Getting Close

We turned over the keys of our Tucson home to the new owner this evening. What's left to transport will be gone in the next day or two.

Sam and a friend, Tim, installed the microwave in the kitchen. Sam still has to figure out the electrical wiring , so he's scheduled a call to our friend Gord, a retired electrician who's back home in Canada this time of year.

The microwave looks great in its proper location!

We're on the home stretch!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Trip

We woke up to the weekend with this view out the bedroom window, and plenty of peace and quiet. We're loving it here!

Our morning visitors were 2 pair of Scaled Quail. PPR is on the western edge of their habitat, and we also have seen Gambel's Quail, which are very common in Tucson and the rest of southern Arizona. 

The rest of the weekend we're spending with friends in Phoenix and a memorial service tomorrow in Cottonwood for Karen's Mom, who passed away last month. 

We also did a bit of shopping and Sam found a great deal on "GRay-Bans," the kind that slip over your regular glasses. 

The height of fashion!
Have a great weekend, ya'll.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Happy Friday!

I don't know where the week has gone, but here we are on Friday and I'm glad. Our day started with a bit of excitement for the small furry ones--a rabbit visitor!

On our drive to work, Sam's version of excitement is spotting a really cool big truck, and this certainly qualifies. What a great paint job.

But his absolute favorite is more like this. Big pipes, tough stance, and a nice big sleeper.

My excitement was more quiet. A leisurely pastry and hot chocolate on my way to work (first time I've done that in years).

And tonight a beautiful sunset as we left the busy highway and entered our country neighborhood. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, everyone.

Photo courtesy of Sam!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Off to Work

Yesterday was our first day of commuting from the Pumpkin Patch Ranch to our jobs in Tucson. Sam works near the freeway and it only took 40 minutes, then I commandeered the Lincoln and drove on up to my job. I arranged to change my hours so I don't have to be there till 9 AM. Flexibility is a real blessing.

Due to shopping needs, we got home late last night. But this morning the fresh air and summer flowers perked me up.

I love the early morning light. These are mesquite leaves and yucca.

Now we're off again. Work sure does interfere with "real" life!

I hope ya'll have a great day. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Rest of the Family has Moved In

I've been missing our "kids" since we moved 2 days ago, and today we felt settled enough to bring them from our old house.

I think they were relieved to see (and smell) all our same old stuff that had disappeared last Friday!

Dingus made a beeline for his safe spot under the bed.

For awhile, all I could see of him were his ears.

Frankie was more adventurous, though he too stuck to the bedroom.

Our family is complete again. 🙂

One more photo tonight. Evidently our patio table and chairs were the last things to go on the moving truck, because they were the first things off and Sam wanted them out of the way.

Rather a pensive and beautiful spot. I like it. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Small Progress and Big Bull

Another busy day--I have a feeling we'll have a lot of those. I had breakfast on the deck, with a chaotic close-up view before the unpacking began. It was still a beautiful morning.

This is only about 1/3 of the accumulation to be tackled, but I'm kind of looking forward to the challenge.

On a different subject, have you noticed how the world and our culture keeps changing? (Of course you have.) We wanted to donate the nice mattress and box spring that's been here, because we brought our own. Sam called several thrift stores, who all said they no longer take mattresses because of the bed bug problem. What a shame that the problem with a few affects the whole. We had to take it to the dump.

On the way out, we saw an update on Rush Hour at the PPR. We slowed down as several of these fine bovine specimens crossed the road. It's a common sight, as much of the land surrounding us is state land that's used for grazing by the ranch nearby. 

We returned the moving truck to Tucson, a 2+ hour round-trip, before returning . . . home!

By the end of the day, we made a small dent in the stack of boxes, especially in the kitchen. Some of our frozen meat had thawed in the cooler en route, so Sam volunteered as chef (one of his best and most endearing talents). He made the most yummy, entirely homemade sloppy joes.

What did you all do today?

Friday, May 18, 2018

We Can't Believe We're Here

What a long road it's been, but after 13 years, we are finally, officially, living at the Pumpkin Patch Ranch. Woohoo!

Sam and Don finished loading the truck this morning. I had to work (darn!), so I missed out on all the heavy lifting. I drove the Lincoln out mid-afternoon and it sure is a pretty drive.

The truck we rented is almost bigger than the park model we'll be living in.

It was incredibly generous of Don to help. He's very good at packing a truck so that nothing shifts around. 

I did get in on some of the fun.

We still have a long way to go to get settled, but it feels like the little house is welcoming us.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and well wishes. I hope you enjoy this journey with us!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Move Has Begun

Sam picked up the moving truck this morning and when he got home from work, the loading began. Our friend Don offered to help. He and Sam have been friends for 30 years, since they served together in the Air Force.

They started with the big stuff.

And we ended the evening with one of the smallest slices of moon I've ever seen.

Tomorrow's the big day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What a Mess!

We're at the packing stage where the house is torn apart, boxes are everywhere and miscellaneous items lurk in every corner. What are we going to do with this stuff?!

At least the maid came by and washed 4 or 5 days worth of dishes! I always feel better with a clean kitchen. 

I definitely needed a few quiet moments. One was the afternoon sun lighting up the "cat room." Dingus especially prefers warm sun, and this Arizona room has no cooler vents.

Jesus' words help a lot, too, especially when I slow down to listen. 

Back to work. Tomorrow we get the moving truck!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tearing Things Up & Down

For the past 4 or 5 years, I've been tearing up the streets in my cute little Mazda Miata, and it sure has been a fun car. But it wouldn't fare well on our 2 1/2 miles of dirt road at the PPR, so we're selling it. Sam touched up the detailing and buffing he did last weekend and today on my way home from work, I took photos for the ad. ($5,000 obo; it's a 1999 with low mileage, if you're interested!)

This evening, Sam's tearing down his workshop / shed / man-cave and packing up his tools, treasures and projects.

Moving is hard work, but we're all smiles . . . most of the time!

We're down to 3 days!

Monday, May 14, 2018

I Have the Best Packing Buddies!

I'm at the house this afternoon, doing laundry and packing boxes. With the help of a couple of homebodies!

Dingus and Frankie have been left alone a lot lately, so they're glad Mom is here.

Things are happening! 4 days till moving day!

Rush Hour

We worked on the cooler again this morning, then drove to Tucson for church and lunch with Ma for Mother's Day. On the way back out to the ranch, we had to deal with the usual rush hour traffic in our new neighborhood.

We wrapped up the day with another magnificent sunset.

Have a good week, everyone!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

One Week and Counting!

Hey! In one week, after dreaming about it for 13 years, we are finally moving to the ranch! The past few weeks have been filled with packing boxes, selling our little home in Tucson, and rearranging all the stuff we've already had stored out here! (And of course, we also have jobs to go to.)

Today's project is repairing an evaporative "swamp" cooler (Sam) and washing cooler parts, organize storage and generally be the boss 😁 (Jan).

 It will be worth it to have this view!